Sunday, December 03, 2006

tree trauma

Who sais xmas was fun?
Stoopid idjit...
Did decide to set up festive tree today.
Dum dee dum, la de da.....ho ho ho
First had to make darlin climb in garage roof to retrieve tree from where it was thrown in disgust last year.
Then much vacuuming and rearrangement of lounge area and putting away of vast quantities of school things that had been waiting for many moons to be put there (away).
Then undo box and discover feet for tree aren't in there ......hmmmmm.
Okay, must be in bag with 4,000,000 decorations then.
Searching searching searching for bag of goods......
searching in linen cupboard...
then in wardrobes.....
then in art cupboards....
then in garage roofs...
No decorations.
None anywhere to be found.
Oh oh.
No feet for tree either.
Quick trip to go lo in order.
One tree, 40 bags of decorations, many little lights and angels and bells and bows and balls and candy canes and about $5000 later we came home and proceeded to set up tree.
Cat likes tree and wishes to repeat last years 'cat hanging by neck til almost dead' episode immediatly.....and eat lots of strings of silver tinsel just to make kitty litter festive as well as festy.
So, another tree done. Took pic quickly because it will never resemble anything this neat and organised again.
On lighter note I am now best mother of son in the world as son has brand new toy for under tree (supposedly but has been tested much so far)......

Have done a guide drawing for a lady and am in process of making two drums on order by some marys or otherwise not marys.....

This is my day so far.....not rested yet am I for sure.....

need to go back to school so I dont have to do housework!



Kristy-Lee said...

I agree! When there is a lack of school to go to, housework becomes all there is.

I might have a baby so that housework is no longer important.

Love the guide drawing. Love it!

Kathie said...

Your Tree is Beautiful!!!

Love the the motorbike and loverly Guide Picture ... will have to commission one for my next birthday methinks!

~*Rylah*~ said...

Schmick chrissy tree! BTW your house is NOT untidy at all! :)

Michelle said...

Crap! I just pushed all the mess up the hallway before taking photo!

~*Rylah*~ said...

heeeheee :D

Unknown said...

missing feet?.........
great bike & drawing- love the idea of festive kitty litter being festy......hugely humerous posting mary meyou, made me giggle like a schoolgirl- with feet........
me you mary us two

Cyndy said...

I owe you an apology re purchase of motorbike, many, many, many, many most humblest of apologies, Michelle. Beloved and I did discuss this matter a number of times, decided that there is no such animal as a cheap helmet, but there are less expensive ones, depending upon the type of riding that is to be done. He suggested that you trip on over to Broadmedow, and visit the bike shops over there (there are 4 or 5 now, maybe), and see who can do you the best deal on the right helmet for the job. Having said this, we've probably taken so long that you've already bought one to go with your schmick bike...sorry I haven't been more helpful ;)

Cyndy said...

By the way...that's GRASS in your said that you had none.....that the dogs had wrecked/eaten/dug it...... I'm jealous....... ;)

Michelle said...

Grass is grows back. I swear there was none a couple of months ago...good grass....Did get a helmet off ebay for $55 plus $25 postage.....Is great helmet but looks a bit silly with little tiny pocket bike for sure, am thinking I overdid protective mother thing maybe? Still, they go 60k's so perhaps not heh....

Tesah said...

*Cat likes tree and wishes to repeat last years 'cat hanging by neck til almost dead' episode immediatly.....and eat lots of strings of silver tinsel just to make kitty litter festive as well as festy.*

Know how you feel, my kitty does the same thing. Also, I got money for bday and xmas, have a guess what I'm gonna spend it on??

Cyndy said...

You can never go overboard on protective gear, my did a good deal...festive and waxer once found some glitter located in an area not usually associated with glittery-type festivities...;)

Michelle said...

Is your waxer a person or a machine??? My mind is boggling at this thought?????