Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Well, the cottage is still going.

We open next week on the 17th for "Around the Cauldron"
and shall carry on in the usual vein for a month or so until things get more clear.
So be there with bells on....

This is good.

Have had a fast, furious and frustrating day yesterday, gosh. A triple F for sure....

My little brother (who is almost 20 and not so little and a 3rd year apprentice motor mechanic) came to do me a favour on saturday and put new hoses on my mary car and then she was all done........

yeah right

Little brother has huge hands (as you do at 6'2") and in this putting on of hoses process managed to break an airflow sensor in mary that she really did need.....she goes very slow and breathes funny without it I tell you....not good when it takes 30 minutes to get from Georgetown to Adamstown Im quite sure...

This is a little tiny part about 1 inch long and worth $260 mind you...plurgh

However, super hero mechanics next door have located a sensory device for her and shall not charge for less than 15 minutes work and it will only cost me $115.


At this rate we shall go camping and have to eat twigs and berries and fish that I dont catch....

Oh well....


This should be a good thing.

I am assuming that even though I havent driven for 4 years I will still remember how!

I am very good at circles in the back street but must also go on roads with traffic for sure......

All is well, if a little blurry, right now.

My sleep is disturbed and here I am awake at 5 am when all I want to do is sleep in.

Things are happening in the world...I can feel them and wonder what this year will bring for us all.

I have been in a kind of dis-located state for some days now, almost observing me from somewhere else is what it feels like. Detatched and yet not. Interesting.

I feel pulled, subtly, but not yet......

waiting for something yet I know not what.

All will be revealed in its own time I suppose.

In the meantime, I keep on keeping on and doing whats in front of me, as usual.

I can do that, Im good at it by now

Have a great day people


Bee said...

it will all be good,and my bells are already on xx

~*Rylah*~ said...

Bells are on and ready to go! Sounds like you are giving yourself good advice there anchell. Just keep doing what you're doing. It'll come...

J xXx

Severina said...

Hurray, you are a star !

Kathie said...

Watch out world - Mary on the Move!!!

wykd wytch said...

It's THE SQUARE - It has sent us all loopy.Told you it's the land of the living dead!!!!AND i AM STILL THERE!

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow, Mary of the Banana Bread.

Smoochies to you.

Cyndy said...

It's like riding a bike, right????
All's good, 'Chell ;)))