Friday, June 29, 2007

missing bumcracks and stuff

My Meez has no bum crack...this is disturbing me for some reason...

I would have blogged last night but there was a slight problem with the car

...darlin's car

It has taken up residence in Garden City carpark and refuses to leave

This did necessitate me driving to and from said carpark 120 times last night

Much fun!

My Marynotabuscar was wheezing too....

This turned out to be due to the lack of transmission oil she had in her

Easily rectified for now

must get new distributer seal!!


There is no exciting news today

I am a shrinking bitch now...hah

I am a witch in training...hah

I am

I am


Its far too early to blog...

Have a nice day people!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

thats it!!

I am officially over it...

...when one almost cannot squeeze ones ample arse into the jeans that were too big a short while ago it is definately time to stop eating crap!

I am now a solitaire shrinkie!

All by myself...

No support..

No nothing...

Especially no chocolate....


I will not have a secret blog...

I do not even care about secret blogs...

That is just toooo bad!

I do not need one!


changing heads

Here is me as a Botticelli and a Modigliani....

he he

I need a better photo to do the others Jac.

I got my Meez back!

So excited...

although I seem to have no cleavage!


Monday, June 25, 2007

A little darlin'

This is Mason Kane!

He is a giant bruised and battered boy!

His mum is a bit sore today too!

Apparently he came out a bit too quick and got bashed in the process hence the swelling and bruising around his eyes and nose...poor baby!

And poor Sarah had a backwards tear in her bits which has torn her urethra (?) and she has to wear a catheter for a few days...ouch!

10 lb 13 oz this boy weighs!

....wince cringe much crossing of legs and ouchies yes....

Darlin' is proud as is his daddy, Matthew.

I have not included a photo of Sarah as that would be mean...she looks like she has just had her bum ripped off!

Baby Mason is here...

Welcome to the world little fella!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

succumbing to pressure....

Sounds terrible doesn't it.....

...oh oh

...some bloody nags have forced me to blog

...don't blame me for what you are about to read then!

I love dots don't you...................................................

so versatile and everything

Anyway, onto life for this little paintydot lumpy person


Yep, have awoken this morning with a giant pimple on my jaw that has distorted my face into Quazimodo elephantman type proportions and is not nice!


AND it hurts.

Have spent yesterday driving to pick up oldest child from Kurri and back again and again and again and also driving said child to see ships at beach, its SO BIG isn't it, for posterity and proof that something exciting happened in Newcastle and shopping for supplies and painting and driving and did I mention driving???

Lucky its not giving me anxiety anymore eh!

Driving that is....


Oh and washing too....did lots of washing seeings as there was actually sunshine and stuff.

Am thinking a lot too, about stuff and me and looming exhibitions which should be called inhibitions as thats what they bring up for one...oh yes indeed they do.

Have you had enough yet?

Am waiting impatiently for Darlin's grand daughter to be born who was due 2 weeks ago and will be forced into the nasty world tomorrow if she doesn't arrive tonight.

She. I say she because that is my opinion of her gender, not fact, in fact. I also am of the opinion that she will begin to arrive tonight before induction because she wants to and not because anyone says she has to.......she is related to darlin you know!

This is a huge event for my darlin' as an adopted boy who has only one other of 'him' and now a third is about to arrive!

He has been suitably unbearable for 2 weeks now as one would expect...(sorry darlin' but you have).....and not feeling well too so poooooooooo......dont you tell him I said so though will you! Shhhhhhhhhh......

It will be over soon...the waiting that is...don't know what comes after that!

It did become obvious though that I will be a grandmother by association tommorow though......

I am not old enough for this!

Good bye

I can hear you cheering and do not care a fig! is now monday morning and I have to say that my Darlin's


was born at 5.18 this morning......well.....I was right about the timing if not the 'bits'....apparently he is HUGE....more later!

Congratulations Poppy Laz!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Why my sink is dirty.....

....because I'm bloody BUSY.....

geez louise

No, this is not Glorious' painting BiFre...

Imagine this....

A woman gets up on the morning after a fabulously wild and funny evening spent with friends banging on skin things and laughing and chanting alot and finds.......

A) Her head has morphed overnight into something resembling mouldy cheese with curlystraight hair with knots in....

B) Her Darlin' won't get out of bed as she kept him awake all night snoring.....

C) The children all swear at her and throw things like pillows at her and smallest but not quietest one eventually leaves for school after NOT getting a lift from bitchfromhellmother but does get all the money in her she blogs and loses her Meez to cyberspace and yells and swears alot under breath....

D) Largest girlchild living at home chucks spack and refuses to go to school because she is sick of it and will not waste her life in such a way thereby necessitating her mother to chuck similar spack and exit room screaming in shrill racous voice that said child can stay home forever and stare at walls and work at Henny Penny if thats what she bloody well chooses......this is after crazy haired mother has been working like slave since 6 am to mount bastard childs photography assignment that is due in today.......grrrrrr

E) Goes for secret meeting with BeFri and becomes sane again.......

F) Buys big purple and green box for mysterious reasons and is infected by beadcrazy person and also buys beads but not enough and so will need to buy more.....

G) Comes home to hairball son who closely resembles earlier mother who is madly applying for 2500 jobs so he can hand his form in to that place where forms must be handed in on a regular basis......

I) Blogs again because it is the only thing to do

J) Growls....ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

K) Publishes pics and asks if it is good enough to hang in public place?
M) Welcome to my world......


I went to dress my Meez and now it wont work...


Wednesday, June 20, 2007


oh dear....

ColorQuiz.comI took the free personality test!

"Longs for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Hmmmmmmm......the Meez says it all!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Uh uh no way

More storm warnings

Flooding at Cooragang

Not going anywhere today

Backsoggypassage will have to live without me today

for sure and surer


Monday, June 18, 2007


Sorry about that...

couldn't resist...

Am I grounded?

well, nooooooooo...

Its Jens fault anyway....she started it!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Why am I on the computer at 9 on a sunday morning?

Well, why not, I have no competition from various teenagers at this time! Although hairball son has just arisen.....

It is STILL raining people!

Too much of a wet thing thinks I....

My coffee is cold, as are my feet and my fingers...poo

My plan this weekend was to paint Gloria's painting


Its too wet to paint, it will take too long to dry

POO again

SO I am working on my little paper paintings

Am going cross eyed too....and seeing little dots everywhere behind my eyes...purple ones, yellow ones, green ones.......

It has been a nice lazy couple of days....excellent, I deserved a couple of those for sure!

Arty farty tomorrow......excellent

Drum making workshop next weekend may be postponed due to trees falling through peoples roofs and flooding and other such good excuses...poo

Understandable really...

Muggle has my email address! Oh my goodness I am scared....

ha hah ah

Its time for the rain to stop!

I want some sunlight!

I am raving and boring I know.

Oh well, you get that.

I am a witch in training apparently so I shall put an order in for some sun!

I am Selene...

I am, I am


Friday, June 15, 2007


My plan today is to do nuffin'.

We shall see how that goes.......

I am thinking about pretending that my car has broken down for a week and BUGGER them all!!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

day off???? Poo......

Wednesday is supposed to be my day off!


Why are all the children at home?


Oh well....

Worked at backpassage yesterday...filing in backpassage is not no

There are lots of lovely lakes to see on the way there now though.....they do seem to have fence posts sticking out of them though which is odd!

I couldn't take pics and drive too so you will have to go see for yourself.....

It was very beautiful and distracting at sunset I must say!

Anyway, so now its Wednesday.....

I shall go for coffee

I assume Jen is going too

I went to bed early last night to get some sleep...

and stayed up till late reading!

Must stop doing that!

Okay ankle, get dressed......

Monday, June 11, 2007


Starry eyed!

Too cool....

Littlest bro' and madam muck

monday morning and all is well....and cold

Gosh its cold

Must be all that water in the ground

My house has survived the raging torrents etc with no more damage than the back fence nearly falling down....and an extremely damp garage full of Darlin's will dry out.

There is a huge tree over the road a couple of doors up but it fell on the road instead of the house so thats a bonus!

Marycar wasn't real happy about being stranded in the railway carpark but has recovered now except for a wet drivers seat....which is a mystery as she isn't wet anywhere else.

Being trapped in Sydney overnight wasn't so bad. We were eventually warm and comfortable and fed. The girls and I were put up at CSV college and the boys, Josh, ex and youngest brother all had to go stay at the pub....they didn't complain!

It was a very looong damp and freezing cold day and I seem to have done something nasty to my back which is very sore but intact!

The roads are telling a story are they not.....

I have to go and get supplies today.....yuk

Its much warmer here by the heater for sure

Henny Penny sold 160 kilos of chips on saturday night...isn't that exciting!

Prayers going out to maryJ and to those in Maitland....xxxx

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Highlight of an otherwise feral day!

Beautiful soggy girl

The real story

Pretty swish catholic scientist virgin kitchen slave honours graduate

Who shall now be forever revered as the one who

made us go to Sydney "that" day

More is ominously quiet outside

Am sending healing to the families of those who have died in this last 24 hours.

Am grateful that rock slides didn't land on us as ours was the next train due through

and especially that we chose not to drive!


Oh dear

Have just arrived home not long ago

Will not blog about it just now

Suffice to say an interesting family outing was had by all

Children are requesting that we never have another....


Thursday, June 07, 2007



My day was a bit whiff


Electricity went out this morning and wouldn't go back on without intervention from an electrical type person....


It rained all day when I had to drive to backpassage and back again


Electricity blew up the 5th jug in a year for me thereby necessitating the purchase of a new one before beverages with caffiene in them could be consumed.....


Mother was in fine form today and wished to sell me the business for $2 but I wisely refused.. seven days a week on this money would kill me for sure!


The phone has rang every 5 minutes since I walked in the door and 3 times whilst in the car


Darlin' is away tonight making pots in Nowra


I must take all children and an ex husband to Sydney tomorrow on a train so as to avoid long weekend traffic nightmare ob the way home


Eldest child graduates from Sydney uni tomorrow with first degree honours, having come first in her year, and will be wearing funny gown with cap and other such stuff and Darlin' took the bloody camera with him

poo for Darlin'...yay for Tahni of course

Mother has been so good as to loan one her office camera for the day so that is not poo

Ummmmm, poo poo poo

Thats all folks!

toodles from the ankle with hairy legs and tired eyes

Tomorrow will be better I am damned sure....I will be far from the phone and not in the car...bonus!

...see my picture?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

oh dear.....

Have just got an email from Target...

seems my group interview was successful....

onto the next bit now...


How many hours do I have in a day???

Not enough I think

oh well

Maybe I will be rich one day...

or dead of overwork!

I have been painting a dragon drum today

It is very beautiful but this dragon is SOOOO BOSSY!

She is happy now though.....

6 hours later!

Must go make two quiches and sew a drum bag...

This is my day off???

One more thing...

There is a small chance that some of my work will be shown in an exhibition in New York.....

oh dear

This weeks topic for circle was to invite your "guide of abundance" into your life and chat with it/her/him.....

Interesting huh...

see ya

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I had just finished typing a long and newsy and incredibly funny post

and guess what?

The internet went away!




Not working....

and so did disappear my pist!

And I am leaving it there and going to bed

I am disgusted for sure...



Oh dear


shaking arm

blurry eyes

no sense of humour

ah, its not THAT bad


Exciting news!!

Darlin' and I have been offered a 'spot' facillitating a drum circle and me and a friend an artyfarty class at The Golden Door.....

This is an extremely ritzy and expensive health resorty type place out at

whoopwhoop in the Hunter Valley!

The money is, ummm, good!

Yes, quite good for sure...

Of course this will involve an hour each way travel and set up time too.....

Still, all materials are paid for........

Of course it is at NIGHT

both of them

thats two nights a week

and I have nothing else to do, do I....



I think.....


here, there and everybloodywhere...

I am here


but now I must go...

am dressed and ready and must mount small maryhorsecar and shift wobbly butt to Lemontreebackpassage to file 4000000000 bills left from last week....

Oh joy!

see ya

How did I get so busy??

Must look at this when I have time................

Sunday, June 03, 2007


Its SUNDAY????

oh dear....

I think I am stuck in limbo somewhere

No ones blog has changed for days nearly

Including mine!!

whats happening?

Am I alive???

Must go paint and put skins on drum things and stuff....

see you back in the real world.....