Tuesday, December 07, 2010

A glad tiding....

I have a hard time focusing these days.....

that is not really okay but I am trying to accept that this is where I am at for now....

Good news is that Shelli is currently OFF meds and feeling like a 'normal' human being after a very long time of probable over medication and a long spiral downwards. Early days yet but we shall see.....

Amazing what can come about from an insistence on medication change, several rude nurses and a lot of determination ain't it.

Sometimes little miracles happen.

Yes they do....


Unknown said...

your blog has a very serious, grown up feeling now Mary....i like it x

Lori said...

I know what this feels like...so glad I went off them and if feels wonderful to feel like a human being again. Blessings. XX

Unknown said...

smmmoooches........coffee tomorrow ?