Friday, June 22, 2007

Imagine this....

A woman gets up on the morning after a fabulously wild and funny evening spent with friends banging on skin things and laughing and chanting alot and finds.......

A) Her head has morphed overnight into something resembling mouldy cheese with curlystraight hair with knots in....

B) Her Darlin' won't get out of bed as she kept him awake all night snoring.....

C) The children all swear at her and throw things like pillows at her and smallest but not quietest one eventually leaves for school after NOT getting a lift from bitchfromhellmother but does get all the money in her she blogs and loses her Meez to cyberspace and yells and swears alot under breath....

D) Largest girlchild living at home chucks spack and refuses to go to school because she is sick of it and will not waste her life in such a way thereby necessitating her mother to chuck similar spack and exit room screaming in shrill racous voice that said child can stay home forever and stare at walls and work at Henny Penny if thats what she bloody well chooses......this is after crazy haired mother has been working like slave since 6 am to mount bastard childs photography assignment that is due in today.......grrrrrr

E) Goes for secret meeting with BeFri and becomes sane again.......

F) Buys big purple and green box for mysterious reasons and is infected by beadcrazy person and also buys beads but not enough and so will need to buy more.....

G) Comes home to hairball son who closely resembles earlier mother who is madly applying for 2500 jobs so he can hand his form in to that place where forms must be handed in on a regular basis......

I) Blogs again because it is the only thing to do

J) Growls....ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

K) Publishes pics and asks if it is good enough to hang in public place?
M) Welcome to my world......


The Tall Red Head said...

Oh, I feel for you! Do you mean that kids don't get better as they get older!?!? And your work is so Fab and SHOULD be seen in public...What is BeFri? Or is it a secret? Stay Sane!! Toni xx

Tesah said...

Sounds like you had a tough one. Love to you.

Unknown said...

love the painting but dont understand it at all- you are quite lovely and should come bead with me- I have zillions and am beading after fanniversary dinner tonight- love a good spack- am anticipating one with SOM when it gets home from school. Serious mother voice- btw- dont you just love a mysterious box ??????

Jen said...

oh dear!!!

and yes Toni, they get worse as they get older - the problems get bigger with them.

i LOVE that picture - kinda reminds me of fractals

Cyndy said...

So that's where she went to in a hurry....

At least you've still got Wolfy...

And these paintings look a little like photos from an electronmicroscope. Things are so very beautiful at a cellular level. So are these paintings, 'Chell. There is so much detail in them.

Sometimes a spack attack (thank you Kylie Mole)is necessary to ground productions of the uterus.... <3 to you.

Michelle said...

"productions of the uterus" it!

Jen said...

i still have to get my colourful box!!

The Tall Red Head said...

Is your daughter a Nun? Just was on Lisa's site and you said you girl had gone to God!! I'm just curious...I am completly off track arn't I? Sleep deprivation.... Toni xx

Michelle said...

No, pretty much on track Toni...cutting long story very short...brilliant daughter goes to uni in sydney and lives at catholic college because mother thinks its a safe college then converts brilliant daughter into catholic opus dei type person....brilliant daughter who just graduated advanced science with honours and came first at world class prestigious uni is now working in kitchen at catholic college and dedicating life to service for others...confused??

Me too!

Kathie said...

Beware the beading bug ... very infectious and addictive ... one never has enough beads, nor the correct colour for the project at hand!

I love your painting ... this one reminds me of a cosmic "jellyfish"

Unknown said...

if it wasnt so sad, it would be hilarious........

The Tall Red Head said...

Bloody Kids!! It is nice that she is dedicated to helping others, but all that education to work in a kitchen? Find her a red hot fella and hope for the best! Toni xx

Michelle said...

Unfortunatly Toni...dedicating life to others does not include husbands and a choice and a commitment that my serious and beautiful girl feels very deeply about. As the potential grandmother of her no t be had offspring I find it a bit hard to accept at times but when I look at the bigger picture without me in it I see where she is at...I think...I have it on good authority that she will meet a boy one day who will knock her little white virginal socks off though so for now I will practise acceptance and let her be who she needs to be without too many guilt trips from her mother....I am a saint and thank goodness for senses of humour!

Michelle said...

...and hope he doesn't wear a white collar! AAARRRGGGHHHH

Cyndy said...

Just like in "The Thorn Birds"....(a reference to the white collared male..)
Let's hope your beautiful girl is happier than Meggie Cleary..

She will walk her own path. And your the right mum for the job.

The Tall Red Head said...

Yes, I can understand how hard it would be to accept that your beautiful girl would choose to do this. While it would be easy to nag her, you are doing the right thing in letting it go. Still, it would kill me to think that I wasn't going to get Grandkid's off my bubby's. And I am sure that she will meet that guy one day, and he won't wear a white collar, and she will produce many, many, beautiful children for you to spoil. xx Toni

Kristy-Lee said...

17 comments! Has to be a record. Not sure what to comment on myself. Do I start with the painting? The mysterious box? The virginal socks that may be knocked off?

Too much to choose from!

~*Rylah*~ said...

That painting is beyond words... you are truly finding IT aren't you, chell? Amazing.