Sunday, June 24, 2007

succumbing to pressure....

Sounds terrible doesn't it.....

...oh oh

...some bloody nags have forced me to blog

...don't blame me for what you are about to read then!

I love dots don't you...................................................

so versatile and everything

Anyway, onto life for this little paintydot lumpy person


Yep, have awoken this morning with a giant pimple on my jaw that has distorted my face into Quazimodo elephantman type proportions and is not nice!


AND it hurts.

Have spent yesterday driving to pick up oldest child from Kurri and back again and again and again and also driving said child to see ships at beach, its SO BIG isn't it, for posterity and proof that something exciting happened in Newcastle and shopping for supplies and painting and driving and did I mention driving???

Lucky its not giving me anxiety anymore eh!

Driving that is....


Oh and washing too....did lots of washing seeings as there was actually sunshine and stuff.

Am thinking a lot too, about stuff and me and looming exhibitions which should be called inhibitions as thats what they bring up for one...oh yes indeed they do.

Have you had enough yet?

Am waiting impatiently for Darlin's grand daughter to be born who was due 2 weeks ago and will be forced into the nasty world tomorrow if she doesn't arrive tonight.

She. I say she because that is my opinion of her gender, not fact, in fact. I also am of the opinion that she will begin to arrive tonight before induction because she wants to and not because anyone says she has to.......she is related to darlin you know!

This is a huge event for my darlin' as an adopted boy who has only one other of 'him' and now a third is about to arrive!

He has been suitably unbearable for 2 weeks now as one would expect...(sorry darlin' but you have).....and not feeling well too so poooooooooo......dont you tell him I said so though will you! Shhhhhhhhhh......

It will be over soon...the waiting that is...don't know what comes after that!

It did become obvious though that I will be a grandmother by association tommorow though......

I am not old enough for this!

Good bye

I can hear you cheering and do not care a fig! is now monday morning and I have to say that my Darlin's


was born at 5.18 this morning......well.....I was right about the timing if not the 'bits'....apparently he is HUGE....more later!

Congratulations Poppy Laz!!


Tesah said...

Lol Grandma Ankle!

Jen said...

your dots are truly stupendous granny.... see you tomorrow!

Michelle said...

Hah, not if I see you first!

ha ah aha ha ha ha

The Tall Red Head said...

Oh, another baby to love and spoil...and give back when you've had enough! Congratulations, and your dots really are fantastic. I nearly didn't get past them they were so eye-catching. Toni xx

Unknown said...

Grandmother ANkle- straight to Crone stage for you chicken.........congrats to Darlin who is a Grandaddy and that is so exciting..............

Kristy-Lee said...

Congratulations to you and Larry Darlin.


~*Rylah*~ said...


Send congrats to poppy Laz for me!

Kathie said...

Congratulations, now you become wise grandparent type people!

Cyndy said...

Congrats to all!

Grandbaby boy!!!<3 <3 <3 <3 <3