Tuesday, June 26, 2007

thats it!!

I am officially over it...

...when one almost cannot squeeze ones ample arse into the jeans that were too big a short while ago it is definately time to stop eating crap!

I am now a solitaire shrinkie!

All by myself...

No support..

No nothing...

Especially no chocolate....


I will not have a secret blog...

I do not even care about secret blogs...

That is just toooo bad!

I do not need one!



Jen said...

you are gorgeous granny!!

Cyndy said...

So now you need to paint yourself as Reubenesque.......

Unknown said...

at last- I have been trying to leave a friggin comment all day !
no need to be a loner shrinkie- cotnact jen and she will hook you up.....do you have messenger ? i do! are you coffeeing with me and them in the morning ?

Unknown said...

your meez has no boobs

Kristy-Lee said...

I think you should be a shrinksta then. Cmon. You want to. Now that you don't want to be involved in the secret blog, you are allowed.


The Tall Red Head said...

I'm trying to lose weight as well. And I have NO friends over here yet!! AT least you can whinge to all your blog buddies. Which is what I'm going to do from now. Cause I can....

The Tall Red Head said...

PS: At least your Meez's boobs are sitting up where they belong. Clevege or no clevege. They are some perky boobies.

Kristy-Lee said...

Love your MEEZ little Granicle.

Michelle said...

Oh poo....my meez has boobs but no cleavage....plastic surgery required to seperate the twins here!

Hippy Witch said...

Congratulations, he is a beautiful baby, you will get to have lots of fun & hand him back. I can't wait to be a nan. You definitely need cleavage - call in your plastic surgeon.

xx Diana

The Tall Red Head said...

I have forwarded you an email. A VERY disturbing one regarding man in tight pants... please forward it to all the bloggers who's email addresses you have...It has to be seen to be believed. And I know you will love it as you are as sick as me(I just hope it isn't a family member)

wykd wytch said...

Is that really you Diana?

Michelle said...

Oh my gosh Toni!

Have sent it to all.....xx

Unknown said...

i have to find that guy !!!!!!!!!
why doesnt toni join the shrinkies blog too

The Tall Red Head said...

And you thought your jeans were getting tight!!!! Nearly lost my tea...And I will join the shrinkies blog, you just have to tell me how..

Michelle said...

I would if I knew...we have to wait for mistress jem to invite us!!

The Tall Red Head said...

Ohhh, we could be waiting a while. She may not let us, as I dobbed her in for saying pooo and you yeeellled at her....

Anonymous said...

I think you have the record for comments to a blog arty farty! 17.....Lucky

Jen said...

time for a blog now granski, and your meez wont stand still long enough for me to see if she has a cleavage or not. I think she has ADHD...

Noice horns.

Unknown said...

shell- you may be a shrinkie now but you a re a slack arse blogger for sure and certain