Sunday, June 17, 2007

Why am I on the computer at 9 on a sunday morning?

Well, why not, I have no competition from various teenagers at this time! Although hairball son has just arisen.....

It is STILL raining people!

Too much of a wet thing thinks I....

My coffee is cold, as are my feet and my fingers...poo

My plan this weekend was to paint Gloria's painting


Its too wet to paint, it will take too long to dry

POO again

SO I am working on my little paper paintings

Am going cross eyed too....and seeing little dots everywhere behind my eyes...purple ones, yellow ones, green ones.......

It has been a nice lazy couple of days....excellent, I deserved a couple of those for sure!

Arty farty tomorrow......excellent

Drum making workshop next weekend may be postponed due to trees falling through peoples roofs and flooding and other such good excuses...poo

Understandable really...

Muggle has my email address! Oh my goodness I am scared....

ha hah ah

Its time for the rain to stop!

I want some sunlight!

I am raving and boring I know.

Oh well, you get that.

I am a witch in training apparently so I shall put an order in for some sun!

I am Selene...

I am, I am



The Tall Red Head said...

Hello Anchell, thanks for your healing for bub, she seems to be getting there at last. I hope the rain stops for you guys as well. Enough is enough! (found plot under bed) xx Toni

Tesah said...

Jonathon wants to know if that artwork is for sale!!!

Cyndy said...

Selene is lovely.

Being "lazy" is good. Sunday is a day of rest, after all.

I didn't get out of bed until ten to eleven.

Enjoy your day :)

Michelle said...

Which artwork?

Michelle said...

This pic on this post is not mine!

Kathie said...

I know what you look like!

Unknown said...

well kind of it is- you are more witch than you realise my darling sister- will pop over to arty farty tomorrow to show you my larry-ette like yours.........

Jen said...

you most certainly are!!

Tesah said...

Ohhh, I didn't realise that it wasn't your work!! *blush* Don't I feel silly!