Friday, August 03, 2007


Oh dear

Have just realised I have not pisted for days

It is Friday....

Oh dear

Well, I am alive and kicking...

Am just in the middle of washing towels and vacuuming floors and washing floors and contemplating how long we shall live if I dont clean the toilet today and doing 5 paintings simultaneously with one hand tied behind my back and standing on my head and doing the Hokey Pokey whilst Whistling Dixie (whatever that may be)......

Ahhhhh, such a relaxing life it is....

So, what are you doing??


wykd wytch said...

I'm waiting to go visit hubby in hospital and am wondering why oh why do I still get pimples as I survey the horrendously big one that has errupted on my chin!

The Tall Red Head said...

I am thinking you MAY be exaggerating about painting with one hand tied behind your back and standing on your head and doing the hokey pokey and whistling. But then again, you may not be.....

You are a tad strange like me and we tend to do silly things like that.

But, I am about to go and get ingredients for animal face cup-cakes. Of which I am going to blog a photo tomorrow before computer is taken for 1 week.

~*Rylah*~ said...

I have been blogging AND soul collaging AND surfing the net, whilst listening to the football with one ear, my music with the other ear AND watching 'psychics'r'us' with my THIRD eye, whilst typing with one hand, drinking diet coke with the other hand AND sitting on my elbow...

~*Rylah*~ said...

I'm also talking out of my arse!

Beat that!

Michelle said...

Clever girl!

Kathie said...

I am playing with html codes with my new ebay template ... very schmick!

Tesah said...

I just got home from work, and actually had a good day!!

Unknown said...

I am leaving a message so you still love me while drinking coffee, eating vegemite vita wheats, doing washing, making bed, thinking about tea , waiting for josh and just wanting to soul collage.

i win i think.

i am the best.
