Thursday, July 19, 2007

but wait....theres more

Am at backpassage

am bored titless

mother has gone out with sister

I am alone with no filing or banking or anything to do

the phones are quiet

and so here I am


as you do!

I nearly missed my dentist appointment this morning....thought it was at 10.40 when it was really at 9.40...oh dear...rang them at 9.36 to verify this misconcepyion and just lucky they had a cancellation huh!! Oh yes indeed I zipped in and must go back tommorrow to have my hole filled.....hmmmmm.....its a rather large hole and I anticipate needles and pain...POOOO

What else??

I seem to have been running for days and am not liking being stuck in this office doing zilch when I have so much to do...didnt think to bring my homework....poo again

I have found that I can indeed remember how to drive a manual much gooder...I actually feel safer in this car with its 'grunt'...its always good to know your car will do what you need it to when you need it to...something I was never quite positive of in my marycar for sure.....and a manual is a must for a control freak as I tend to be at times!

So, I am happy with my wheels....need suggestions for names though...angel isnt doing it for me Im afraid...more like Bruno or something, maybe Rocky or Rambo or some such mucho thing as he is a boy for sure.....

Darlin' is up at Nelson Bay glazing pots and preparing for his firing....its a big deal as this stuff is for the exhibition and he hasnt fired this kiln before so fingers crossed everyone that it all goes well!

I am a slackarse YAADer this first month...its been difficult to get it all together...I shall persevere even if I have to repeat!

I had to miss fluffy bunny night again, two years running...poo....all Tahni's fault!

Some week very soon I am going on strike and doing nothing for noone except starting to get me down, this constant rush around. Need to park and sit for a wee while...

Better go find some thing to read.....xxxxx


wykd wytch said...

I feel your pain....I would like to stop too...but its cold and if I stop I'll freeze so better keep moving!You missed a good night last night!Will work on a schmick name!

Cyndy said...

You need to sit and be bored titless every so often...ways of the universe and all that.

Gumbi??? even if it isn't green???? It's a bit too little to be too macho... unless it's got small man complex.... maybe... Steven Segal!!!!!!

And I prefer to drive a manual, even in Sydney. And you're right; it is all about control. Especially in the wet....

Bet you've still got tits Arty farty.......

Unknown said...

yes, you are a slack arse yaader with a hole in your head and a need to be filled as well.
Bruno is my dads name, so no go for a girly white car- you need a v8 at least to be bruno- think male gods- pan, hermes, apollo, zeus etc..shame you didnt take your homework.........still you have to next tuesday at 6pm.................................

Michelle said...

no pressure....

The Tall Red Head said...

Ahh, go tell everyone to jump and just do things for yourself. Bugger them all. Thats what I say.

Unknown said...

except me of course rider ??????????????????????????????

Kristy-Lee said...

Would be good if the world would just stop for a while. You could get off and just sit around and read a book.

I find though, when this time does appear, we dont know what to do with ourselves.

Ho hum.

Never happy.

Cyndy said...

Hermes????? I like Hermes.... it's even a bit trans-sexual, don't you think?

To be called Bruno, it would have to be re-inforced with steel-plating.. for extrra strength.. right, Lisa?

I'd like to say "yeah, bugger to them", but I know how hard that is.....

The Tall Red Head said...

Of course NEVER to you Lisa, or anyone else who reads this blog. Which doesn't leave a lot of people to tell to piss off does it? Oh Well...

Unknown said...

yes, lets tell all non bloggers to piss orf...................
and we must use the word grouse as Kristy mother of the twitch has requested it