Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Your Gemstone is Aquamarine

Intuitive, tranquil, and trusting.
You inspire others to have faith in themselves.

Why are you laughing??

Is it the tranquil thing??



Cyndy said...

Mine's a green emerald, but
i couldn't make the link work... computer dumb am I.

Why would we be laughiing Arty Farty Mary? Your paintings frequently reflect these traits....

Kristy-Lee said...

Surely not. I believe it 100%.


Kristy-Lee said...


Michelle said...

funny girl......

Jen said...

a truly apt description, did you rig it??

Tesah said...

So true!

The Tall Red Head said...

I bring luck...Just rub my buddha belly!

Anonymous said...

The colour suits you! Lucky

Unknown said...

patience is a doreen virtue