Tuesday, March 04, 2008

never trust a plan....ever


I am upside down again

this has been an excrutiating day!

Old guys want to charge $2000 freaking big ones to move!

Im only going 50 km away not the bloody moon.....



we are doing it ourselves

with a lot of help


virgins will come sunday...thank fark for virgins who do house calls...

....and handsome men who happen to have licenses to drive big trucks and also have sexy voices and wear whatever you want them to....Im thinking fishnets baby and .............groaaaannnnn

I have melted down today

and feel better for it, if not just a touch more exhausted

but you know what

I can do anything

with a bit of help from my peeps!

Well.....and a LOT of help from my poor exhausted Dobby darlin'

grrrr grumble WHINGING BITCH MOAN sob


Myst_72 said...

There's only so much you can take Chelle,
you're doing a legendary job!

Whinge and bitch all you want,


Cyndy said...

You're not a whinger!!!!!

And it's good to have friends....

Unknown said...

i love peeps
and arek too

The Tall Red Head said...

hmmm, in the long run it will have been for the best...the 80 yr olds would have broken all your stuff. Or lost it..Or something..that is why to universe decided to make you do it yourself....

Stupid friggin universe...