Thursday, November 02, 2006


I have awoken, plurgh.

I am blogging at 6.22 am because I can!

Have awoken 14 yr old teenage daughter so she can indulge in her latest fantasy and run around the streets 'jogging' at wee hours of mornings with friend....weird

Speaking of wee.......Lilith has chosen to honour me by weeing on my schoolbag! Grrrrr

This will possibly necessitate the running of washing machine at ungodly hours AND taking smaller bag to school which may mean I am not crippled this evening.......I will be grateful it was empty and not full of freshly written reviews and that the cat is not kicked to death because I cant find her.....

I am not looking forward to screen head just isn't coping with doing things in reverse......

I am looking forward to never having to do it again!

After this year is done (which I must pass all subjects in order to do next year) I will be able to CHOOSE which 2 elective subjects I wish to persue.

I will be doing painting and sculpture and NOT NEVER printmaking and photography.........that will be very yay.

Now, I must be off to make lunches and drag all the peoples from the caves and slap em around a bit to wake em you do.....I will slap me too

ps. mary is now orificially MY CAR!

Have a great day and I will read you tonight!

pps. I am not really a violent person, merely living vicariously through my blog. If I were a violent person all of my children and animals and darlin's would be much better behaved......alas I cannot.......plurgal!


Unknown said...

a good floggin' never hurt anyone........get violent & kick the bloody cat........

Cyndy said...

'living vicariously'; I'm very impressed!! Most of us would like to be a bit violent sometimes....;)

Michelle said...

I would kick the cat but I cant ever find her when kicking is warrented......
Hence, vicarious, I must have been in essay writing mode and from whence did articulate such proper use of descriptive language.....

Cyndy said...

you are just clever, that's all...