Saturday, January 02, 2010

Gratitude?? Why, yes.....

Lisa, Jen, Nat, Kayla, Tahni, Shelli, Cherie......these are the women/girls in my life who are not my parent and who I love with my whole heart and feel grateful for every single day, whether they like me or not.....

K.......this man is becoming pretty damned important pretty damn quick but you know what? It feels just fine for it to be like and just good. I dunno why and I don't need to. That is seriously weird in itself, given the last 8 months of my life.....

I feel no real need to elaborate on anything right now. I've just booked Shelli on a flight to Byron so she can stay with my sister for a week or so. Kayla is off to Sydney to work for a month with my big girl........Joshua is in Germany for 3 weeks.....are you reading me here???

NO KIDS.......(or kittens!)

wow, what on earth will I do??

Snort....I'm sure between work, mum and the above mentioned people I will be kept busy enough.....

I love my life today

I live, I love, I learn, I AM....



Sarah Lulu said...

Good for you!

Jen said...

Love you lots and lots Chelle!!!

Be in the moment. Just do whatever it is that you need to do right now. Thats all.

YOu are special beyond belief. Dont forget that!!


Anonymous said...


Red Mum

Diane said...

Loving life is wonderful! I'm glad you live, you love, you learn, you ARE! Happy New Year!! xo

Wendy said...

So glad to hear you are so happy - live it up, baby!

Unknown said...

barbie and ken in the barbie mansion with no one for company...........hmmmmmmmmmm