Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Today I have eaten fresh fruit and veg, no carbs or chocolate and not walked or drank water.

Hey, you gotta start somewhere........

I am very good......

and quite hungry!!!

But I haven't had dinner yet so this will change....

I will beat you all to a skinny a pulp!

I hereby retract that last sentence in the interests of being able to eat chocolate sometimes when I really feel like it and also to keep friends who I like a lot.........


Kristy-Lee said...

Good plan skinny mary.

Unknown said...

yes, nothing will lose you friends faster than becoming skinny before them !

Kathie said...

Does that mean I have no friends? ... lol : )

Michelle said...

Ah, but you were always skinny...come to think of it, so was I once. I think it was before I started coming to the cottage....hmmmmmm, too many feasts!