Sunday, May 20, 2007

Today I have....

  • spent all my painting money that I haven't got yet (well, in my head anyway)
  • been to the markets and visited some witches selling wares in the wind and the sun
  • spent all my money that I do have at said markets (thats what happens when you take shellibabys with you and find bargains...note to self: find self restraint and apply immediately)
  • done some work on two paintings that are in progress
  • sat around and stared at the wall, the book, out the window, in the fridge etc etc
  • purchased a new budgie (bloody markets) that was a GOOD buy as currently owned budgie was having a very dull life....said budgie 'Minty'is suitably impressed and likes new friend 'Popcorn' very much indeed and they are quite happily picking things out of each others heads and being all lovey dovey....which is much better than ripping each others heads orf!
  • Ummmmm, not much else really
  • oh yes, been to Kmart to purchase school necessities for smallest child such as school books and a bendy ruler...ho hum
  • had a bath, cooked a meal, drank lots of coffee, contemplated making a quit date and not done it...yet.
  • Thats about it
  • Yep, thats definately it for sure
  • Indeed
  • Goodnight


~*Rylah*~ said...

Yay for budgie love! Sweet...

Unknown said...

happiness is a budgie with a friend and a teenstranger with a bendy ruler !

Cyndy said...

Wonderful painting selling, 'Chell!

And if we didn't spend it on the kids...and budgies, what would we spend it on??????

nadcesca said...

Congrats on the sell of your painting!!

The Tall Red Head said...

WooHoo, you just sold another drawing... To me!!! Looking forward to it xxx

~*Rylah*~ said...

Ahem..... 'tis now TUESDAY.....