Tuesday, December 02, 2008



This is interesting.

I have abusy day ahead

I have to go get Shelli admitted to hospital today

because she is on edge and feeling a danger to herself

I am not quite sure how I feel about this

I am not quite sure how I feel about anything right now

But that is okay

I am learning a lot about me in this and where I have fallen far short
as a parent and where I am not falling now, but its hard.

I am a bit numb and very tired

But okay in all that.

Send my baby healing please, she is asking for help.



Jewell said...

healing coming right up..so gald she is asking for help now...you are doing all you can love to you all xxx

Anonymous said...

Good luck today Chell. It can be quite a wait at jf.
I've sent your baby a big love hug. I hope it finds her.
Email me if you need to, k?

Unknown said...

i will phone you xx

Cyndy said...

Love & healing to all of you.

F*#$king near-impossible to know about these things...

I would wish it was someone else walking this journey, but you wouldn't wish on anyone, would you...

Natalie said...

Big love and hugs to you and of course S. I am sorry you are having a really awful time and so confronting as well. Can I help in any way? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Boy she is in a bad way isn she....what has caused all of this?????? I guess you are asking yourself the same question.
I am sending her and you lots of hugs and kisses.w.w.