This feels like’ truth’ to me – Im going to do it
Alignment of the Stargates
Monday, September 18, 2006 at 5:40:00 AM – our time
If you wish to participate in the moment of alignment, it is acceptable and in fact of perfection! It would be for you to close your eyes, blocking out the third dimensional illusions, relax and breathe. Next, it would be to allow yourself to align. Imagine many bodies that all look the same, are the same size, but out of focus, coming together as one clear and functional being. That is what it looks like when your aspects align. One perfect forever being.
You will feel it as your aspects align. Do not be literal in your commands, simply state to all of your you’s to align harmonically with the Star Gate System.
Next, imagine that you project yourself, your perfect alignment through the openings of the Star Gate System. Now you are willingly participating within the instigation of change. And by doing this in such a way, willingly participate within the change. Becoming the change with ease and grace.
You will feel yourself being to balance and an inner evenness occurring.
As this occurs, imagine what it is that you wish to create in your experiences of life. Imagine that the interior of the Star Gate pathway is like a river, a constant flow. Let your imaginings float away from you with ease and with grace. Let them become what they will. After all, you are both on the same river to the same destination.
Let yourself float for a while, but remember that you have unfinished business on the human side of reality, and bring yourself back gently and with ease, knowing that there are parts of you which remain within the Star Gate Alignment because you have intentionally aligned yourself within it.
And be in peace.
That which is the shift you have worked toward all of your lives comes. What it will be in its fullness is entirely dependant upon you.
And so it is that we return to light.
Is that 5.40 AM?
Can i do this in my sleep?
Can't they align at a REASONABLE hour.....
I'll see you there, sweety! I've been reading this website ever since you posted the link and it feels right to me too...
Love and light always,
Rylah xXx
P.S. By the way, words can't express how beautiful and deep and spiritual your artwork is. It moves me on a deep level. Keep up the great work.
I guess so romy....its all about intent isnt it?????
Ok..I'll intend to do it at 5.40 then.
Funny haha. Raspberry to you
about to have a sunday nap and thought I would say hello......
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