Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh snort!

I find it kind of funny that......

  • just when I decide I can live without a man I have several likely prospects prowling around
  • that when I have an opinion and voice it I had better be damned sure it is what I really feel (and it is) be fully aware and prepared to stick to my guns or just shut the hell up in the first place
  • that asking my mum if I can go out on Friday night feels a bit like deja vu and a wee bit silly (said with a scottish accent och aye)
  • That I have lost those 4 kilos as fast as I put them on last week WTF?????????
  • That my ex-husband had to apologise to me for not inviting me to his sons birthday party because my mum and my kids were disgusted with him, and then it turned out that it was her of course, and I wouldn't have gone anyway.....
  • that nothing ever stays the same and yet some things never change
  • that Centrelink have decided to cut my Carer payment on Christmas week.....like I am not really a carer??? Now I have to go sort that shiz out too......
  • that in spite of the shit fight out there, in here I feel calm and almost a little bit excited
  • It's beginning to feel a bit like Christmas now that I am going to be broke :D

Snorty snort snort!!!

Stay real people......it's all we have


Cyndy said...

Centrelink.... bah Humbug!

nollyposh said...

(((HUGZ))) Centerlink stopped my family payment while they figured out that one of my children was not eligible for some student support... Geez Bah Humbug! oh i mean Ho! Ho! Ho! x

Bagman and Butler said...

I seem to be having more trouble than usual remaining grinchy this year. I may have to break down and enjoy the holiday.

Daria said...

OK here is my two cents worth about men prowling around. I think men can sense when women are desperate for companionship ... and they run away. I think they are attracted to woman who don't feel they need to have a man around.

Just my opinion ...