Friday, February 20, 2009

Lucky Me

I am the lucky recipient of this lovely (my very first!) award from the lovely Natalie over at Musings from the Deep.

Many thanks Nat.

I like this one because I do try to be honest...honest I do.

I will be back later to pass it on.

I am inundated with idiots at the moment in this #@&* office......

Lucky it wasn't an award for my charm heh :0)


Natalie said...


Your job requires balls, not charm.xx

Chrisy said...

Just tell them you received a very important award today and you don't have time for the likes of them...

Jen said...

lol, good one Chrisy...

there is another one for you at my blog!!

Renee said...

Michelle this is a great award.

To me as well I believe that if you cannot be honest, if you cannot keep it real, then what is the point.

Love Renee xoxooxo