Tuesday, February 03, 2009

some stuff...

Thought I might share some tips I have picked up along the way

I am not really a waffler so they will be short and to the point I hope.

  • A label is a name you call yourself. For example 'an addict'. To call yourself an addict makes you 'an addict'. As an addict/alcoholic I could also choose to call myself a 'recovering addict' but I choose not to. Over 7 'clean' years down the track I am quite well aware of what my addictions did to me and where they came from and in my opinion (which is just that) to continue to call myself an addict in that regard is detrimental to myself. I am Michelle who had a problem with substances and no longer does because she CHOOSES not to. I could, I suppose, call myself 'a person who makes good choices' :) My point here is that by continuing to label oneself as something negetive, one reinforces, constantly, the negetive aspect. By choosing not to do so one empowers oneself instead. Thats how it works for me. Of course, if I was still struggling with the demons I would happily label myself as I would need to do so. I could also, of course, choose to pick up where I left off and use again, but that would be a choice I made, not an uncontrollable behaviour of mine. Same goes for 'abused' and 'victim' and other such labels. So, I am Michelle who used to have a problems with drugs and alcohol and was abused and allowed herself to be a victim. I no longer am any of those things so I choose not to call myself any of them or to identify with them in anyway in my thoughts about myself. That way lies guilt and shame and Im not going there today.....a choice indeed.
  • Which brings me to choice. Interesting word/concept yes. A choice is something we make each and every day, in many different circumstances. The outcomes of our choices are the things we have to live with. These are called 'consequences'. Whether we experience positive or negetive consequences is entirely our choice. It is a roundabout circle that we have ABSOLUTE CONTROL over. Too simple really. The human mind likes to confuse us by pretending everything is very complicated when, in fact, it is very very simple. Of course, we can and do make bad choices. These can be called mistakes. The good thing about mistakes is that we have a choice not to repeat them. This is call a learning process and we all go through it. Perpetually. Somebody wise once said that the definition of insanity was to keep doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Hmmmmm
Thats probably enough for now.

Hot today isn't it



Unknown said...

Michelle- this is why i love you. Clarity and precisness ( its a word now) Your post should go down as recommended reading for everyone on thier path.

You told me once that it all comes down to 'making a choice'- i have since adopted that as my life mantra- i either choose it or i dont.

Thats why i call you my hero and my befri-because you are.

I bet you are class captain of our POD.

Make a choice- so simple, so perfect, so right x

Wendy said...

You should waffle more often! These are very good reflections indeed and with such relevance. Thanks for sharing :-)

Natalie said...

Yes, yes deed.xx

Michelle said...


Unknown said...

wendy is right- you do not waffle enough- Thursday i will be up- may have deb with me- smooch xx

Michelle said...

Excellent yesdeed

Barry said...

A couple of excellent and empowering insights.

I keep a word document with bits and pieces of things I find online that are insightful and want to remember and think about. I've added your post to the list.

Michelle said...

Thanks Barry, and what a good idea.

Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cyndy said...

You were so impressed with Barry's idea that you stuttered, Arty Farty?

Manna from Kevin will be at least $950, maybe more. I don't know how they come up with these numbers.....

And I also love your clarity and simplicity. Humans have a tendency to make things so hard for themselves. I hate labels. Yet they are even more widely used today with the seemingly innate need for humans to categorise everything & put it neatly in a box. You know, keep control of it. God knows, if everybody exercised free will & choice, where would we be? Choice also can make someone different or individual, or even responsible, and that can be a scary prospect for some people.

The path you have walked & the choices that you made have led you to this point in your life: you have developed the amazing strength, courage & endurance that you have needed & will continue to draw on on the future.

Enough of my blogmuggling. I'm glad to have made your aquaintance Ms Arty Farty Back Passage Hooker.


Michelle said...

Thankyou Muggle, and I you XXX