Tuesday, October 03, 2006

the key to me...


Jen said...

Wow - there are lots of different cultural influences there. (and darker too - like i said...hmmm)

Unknown said...

yes, thats you alright

wykd wytch said...

This loks very Jewish....bit tree of lifey!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's amazing!

Kathie said...

Yes! I love how it is completely different to the other artworks ... there is an air of mystery about it as well.

Michelle said...

Its actually only a part of the painting......but its different anyway. I'll post it later tonight.

Cyndy said...

I'll bet it looks very different when placed in the context of the entire artwork..(did I really say that?)..Gee you must have rubbed off on me a bit...I'm looking forward to seeing it. <3 C ;)xox

Unknown said...

cyndy's a witch, cyndy's a witch