Saturday, October 21, 2006

Mary is the winner!!!

Im afraid you are all too late now.
Mary has won the competition....
and I am very cranky that I didnt think of it first!!
I will blame this on everyone else as I am not at fault okay...
feel free to come up with suggestions for a middle name though!!

I was 8 minutes late today and should have been slapped around a bit by mary BOSS for sure.
It was Mary's fault of course as I was going for a little test drive with my chauffer darlin' and leaving deposits on mary's and stuff and missed my bus therefore had to be chauffered some more and run screaming through car parks knocking little wrinkled up old people with hairy arse cracks flying all over the place.....still I am a BAD STAFF and will arrive early next time for sure..

Mary boss is faded a little and has black eyes and sore feet. She is a SUPERHERO....she also has interesting dreams and that is her blog so I wont say anymore.

I am cold and have no heater.

I am tired and need some more sleep.

I am happy about small mary cars but wont believe in hem entirely until they are parked outside front door...............


Unknown said...

Yes, i am the is cold & car dreams do come true......will the mary mobile be like the pope mobile only with more room for hair ?

Michelle said...

I just choked because you are funny.
Most must have room for the 'do' at all costs.
Did you get my email mary???

wykd wytch said...

You are forgiven Mary - getting a car is a big deal. You have fun now..It will be called the Mary shaggin' waggin'!!!!

Michelle said...

Shaggin? In mary??? Oh my goodness bum will look far to big in that!!

Kathie said...

Watched "Date Movie" last night which showed JLo's behind much larger than life!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

J lo can handle it