Tuesday, October 10, 2006

meet mary.....one of them

This is the Catholic Scientist Virgin's Mary.

How do you think it will go down at the catholic virgin mary college?


~*Rylah*~ said...

All I can say is 'wow' - again. Amazing. It really speaks to me.
Well done Mary...

~*Rylah*~ said...

I love the stars and galaxies in the background... ;)

Jen said...

Love it ( as usual ) and my guess is that most people won't 'get it' anyhow at the catholic virgin mary college!! So dont worry. :-}

Unknown said...

mary, its perfect- so are you !me x

Cyndy said...

She is beautiful (and she resembles the Catholic Scientist Virgin, I think). I think 'they' will miss the symbolism, too.
Love, C <3 xoxo;)

Kathie said...

I feel it is quite "tame" and will not be too challenging for the catholic college.

I really like it, it has really gentle energy.

Unknown said...

i had to come back and have a second look- She is magical- I want her but already owe you too much money-beautiful

Michelle said...

One can never owe me too much money!! I might get some prints done of this one??

Unknown said...

yes, i want one- will settle for a print- you should get prints done of all......you are too brilliant- you will need to find another friend...........